Dear Writer:
Colonus Publishing, Inc., hereby offers a prize in the amount of two thousand dollars for an original work of creative nonfiction. In the sole judgment of the editor the work must be: 1) of suitable length for publication as a book, 2) of spiral or thematic construction. Although the work need not be devoid of narrative, the prize is not for a work of autobiography, biography, or history. I am looking for something that is new, like the way in which Leaving Parma integrates personal experience with the history of the Vietnam War (so yes, you may have footnotes), and the way it creates a fresh experience by the choice of subject matter and themes.
The work may be about any subject matter. Although the writer may have published before, the work submitted for the consideration of the Prize must not have been published, with the exception that parts of it may have been published in literary journals or magazines, provided the author is able to secure the requisite permissions for republication should the work be selected for consideration for the award of the prize.
Please follow the link below for the contest rules, which are hereby incorporated into the offer for the Leaving Parma Prize, and are conditions precedent to any award of the Prize.
Leaving Parma Prize Rules
Rich Skalstad
Editor, Colonus Publishing, Inc.