The Sliding Glass Door by Scott Poole

Colonus Publishing ® offers you the best in fiction and poetry and the best in memoir under its special Colonus House ® creative nonfiction imprint.

The Sliding Glass Door, our inaugural offering of poetry, is a very funny book of poetry, but it is also richly layered and complex, its narrative, a pyrotechnical explosion of metaphor; its imagery, a deep draught from the magic fountain of myth.

Scott Poole’s poems are a mosaic of shards of our most ancient night and the gentle stones of dawn of multitudinous hue plucked from the river of time. Carl Jung would have loved this book and would recommend it most highly to you if he could!

Literary Recognition of The Sliding Glass Door

The Writer’s Almanac

Garrison Keillor, host of The Writer’s Almanac, chose Scott Poole’s poem “The Bible” from the Colonus Publishing book The Sliding Glass Door for broadcast in the program of November 9, 2011.

The Writer’s Almanac is a daily radio program produced by American Public Media (APM). In each program Mr. Keillor presents a list of cultural events and anniversaries, many associated with literature and literary figures, then ends with a poetry reading.

Buy The Sliding Glass Door Today


Poet and novelist Jessy Randall has picked The Sliding Glass Door as one of No Tells best books of poetry for 2011. Elizabeth Holmes writing in Broadsheet 360 has recommended The Sliding Glass Door. And look for poet Rob Carney’s reviews of The Sliding Glass Door in Redactions and the Sugar House Review.


The Sliding Glass Door has been featured as an Independent Publisher’s highlighted title and is a recommended book by The Valparaiso Review.


James Cox, in The Midwest Book Review, says about The Sliding Glass Door: “Driven by thought and ideal, Scott Poole has crafted three works of poetry. The Sliding Glass Door is the third collection of poetry from Scott Poole … making for an enticing read as he attains a surreal poignancy of life. The Sliding Glass Door is a choice assortment of poetry.”


Milwaukee poet Jen Reid, twice nominated for a Pushcart, says:
“When you finish a good book of poetry, it’s like a soft death of spirit, or whatever you want to call the thing inside that makes you sing—what difference does nomenclature make except to take a leap of faith that there is more to being than biology? Biology leads to one result, cannot explain our singing despite our understanding that existence is absurd. One might think this understanding would lead to despair, but in the world of Scott Poole’s The Sliding Glass Door, this very understanding is what leads to celebration: a purple couch, what Santa might be like if he were a poet, the preference for and perseverance of the self face to face with the consciousness of being human. This is a book you want to go on forever.”